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How To Make Sure Your Pest Control Website Is Set Up To Convert Visitors

The world of digital marketing can be challenging and tedious to say the least. But in this modern age, it is most essential to learn the ropes of promoting to and engaging with potential clients online if you want to keep your sales up.

When it comes to companies offering local or niche services such as a pest control business, the Internet has an abundance of options to garner pest control leads and turn them into sales. You just need to know how to maximize them well enough, especially when the possibilities are right at the tip of your fingers.

For instance, your pest control website definitely plays a big role in your entire digital marketing strategy and serves as a backbone to your promotions. While you may have invested a lot of time and resources into making sure you have a great, functioning site packed with photos and information, you may still be falling short on conversions.

If you find yourself in this situation, we have prepared a comprehensive list of ways you can make sure you garner pest control leads through your website and successfully convert that traffic into paying customers.

1. Be Visible By Optimizing For SEO.

The very first thing you want to establish is how low or high you rank on the search results page. This will give you a better idea as to which competitors are getting it right, and what you can adapt to your own marketing strategy along the way.

If you do not rank in the top 3 listings, perhaps it is time to look at your keyword strategy. Do some research on what your competition is ranking for in terms of keywords and keyword phrases and try to incorporate those in your website content to garner more pest control leads with each search query.

Apart from adjusting your keywords, we highly suggest implementing as many SEO strategies as you can to fully optimize your website and get it ranking higher such as making your website mobile friendly, fixing your website structure, and much more.

Also consider advertising on Google via Google Adwords and their pay-per-click (PPC) strategy.

2. Create A Clear Landing Page

Whenever you are linking visitors from a different source – let’s say your Google Adwords promotion or a post on social media – then you need to send them to a specific landing page that is relevant to the information they were looking at before they clicked to your website.

If you have an interesting post or ad that potential customers saw on their feed and clicked on, they are expecting to be brought to a page that explains more about that exact topic – not to a generic home page or random About Us section.

There needs to be a flow to your sales funnel, and having specific landing pages for each promotion you send out there can really help keep them on your site and eventually close a sale.

3. Improve Your Website’s Value

In relation to keeping visitors on your website, establish that the information they gather from visiting your website in the first place is interesting and sufficient enough to make them want to stay.

You can lower your bounce rate by ensuring your landing pages are relevant, that your copy is easy to read through, and that your information is valuable enough so they feel they received what they came looking for.

4. Provide A Clear Call To Action

Once you reel in your pest control leads and keep them on your website long enough, be sure you finish strong with a clear call to action. This is somewhat of a guide for your readers to know what to do and lead them to the next step of your sales funnel.

This can be in the form of a “Get A Free Quote” button, or a section requesting their email address. If you choose the latter, it is most helpful to provide something in return such as a member's discount on their first service or a free add-on service on top of their main booking.

However you decide to end the engagement, ensure that you and your potential client both benefit from it and that you are maintaining a connection with them somehow.

5. Provide A Guarantee

Especially when you are scouting for new pest control leads and trying to convert customers who are still on the fence about your brand or your services, it can be helpful to provide a guarantee.

With a return policy, a privacy policy, a money-back guarantee policy, and other guarantees you can offer, you are providing your potential customers with an extra sense of security and building on that trust.

6. Ensure You Have Ample Social Proof

Your website is a strong factor in your entire online marketing strategy, but it can do even better when backed up by social media. It is important to have strong social proof on your various channels because this tells your potential customers that you are a legitimate business that provides good service. Be sure that all your social channels link back to your website as well.

Furthermore, having actual clients post testimonials and recommend you can greatly help in instilling trust and establishing your authority within the industry. You can also incorporate these testimonials on your website so that your readers can see them whether or not they came from your Facebook, Instagram, or other social media platforms.

7. Have An Accessible Contact Form and Contact Buttons

Everyone loves a company that is easily accessible and impressively accommodating. You can further establish how important customer service and satisfying your clients are to you by having an accessible contact form and multiple contact button options on your website.

We specify having multiple options because your clients can heavily vary in how they prefer to reach out. Perhaps some would rather call straight away, others may like to email, a lot may prefer a live chat with your representatives, and still others would prefer to fill out a form.

Ensure that the option to reach out is on every page of your website, in addition to the main Contact Us button on the navigation bar.

8. Provide Incentives

Just like how flyers are more valuable when you add a coupon to them, providing your website visitors with incentives can go a long way as well. By offering them a discount, exclusive perks, or bonuses in exchange for their email address, you can gain more pest control leads and have a steady list of potential clients in no time.

9. Offer Updates and Promotions

Once you have built a strong list of leads, it is time to keep them warm while they are not ready to convert. You can do this by means of a regular newsletter.

Your newsletters should have interesting and inviting information on them each time, such as a price-off promotion, service bundles, DIY tips and tricks, and other things that your potential clients will find interesting. Just ensure that you are not sending too many that you end up being categorized under spam mail.

Moreover, you should have similar yet different email newsletter strategies for leads you are still trying to convert, and clients that you want to continue servicing for the long term.

10. Regularly Produce Quality Content

One way to keep your website valuable is by regularly producing high-quality content. This is a proven and tested strategy to increase traffic, generate pest control leads, and eventually get more conversions.

You can accomplish this by producing informative blogs, engaging videos, free webinars, and other resources that give people more reason to visit your website.

11. Make Sure Website Pages Load Fast Enough

Studies show that websites that load between the 2 to 3-second mark have the lowest bounce rates. Those that took more than 3 seconds saw a drop in website traffic as more than 40% of consumers reported not waiting past that time frame.

To ensure that you provide a quality overall experience to your website visitors, take the necessary steps to make your website pages load faster. Here are some things you can do:

  • Implement your own content delivery network (CDN)
  • Compress and optimize your images. You can also save on bandwidth by utilizing adaptive images. Similarly, you may use image formats such as WebP or Jpeg XR to reduce its weight without sacrificing image quality.
  • Cache your web pages and enable browser caching to store static resources and greatly reduce server lag.
  • Only include the most necessary plugins on your website as these can add to the weight.
  • Combine images into CSS sprites.
  • Enable HTTP keep-alive response headers.
  • Compress all your content. A lot of popular web servers utilize the GZIP compression algorithm to automate the process in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Increase the expiration date on your headers, which makes load time faster for returning users.
  • Minify your JavaScript and CSS with a compressor, or hire someone who knows how to code This can greatly cut down the time it takes for parsing, downloading, and executing commands.

Reduce the number of redirects within your website. The HTTP request is prolonged each time a webpage redirects somewhere else.

12. Test Your Website

Even if you do all the right things consistently, the Internet is an ever-growing and constantly changing environment. You need to continuously monitor if the strategies you are implementing are still working in your favor, and which ones need some tweaking.

Test out different landing pages by means of A/B test tools to see which performs best. Also, keep track of the keywords that have been bringing in the most traffic. Moreover, it would be good to keep up to date with each page’s bounce rate so you can improve the information on less engaging sections.


Tools You Can Use To Convert Pest Control Leads

There are programs and apps in place that can further assist you in converting your website visitors to paying customers. A few of our most recommended ones are:

Google Analytics. Google Analytics provides you with detailed information on how many people visit your website, which pages they spend the most time on, which pages have the highest bounce rates, and basically, gives you an idea of the trends and patterns of how visitors engage with your content on site.

MailChimp. MailChimp is an email automation service to assist you in getting your email newsletter strategy going and keeping it strong all throughout each step of the sales funnel. With this service, you can plan emails, categorize your target audience, use templates for specific content, and help you maintain good communication with your market.

Exit Intent Pop-Ups. This tool is powerfully lead-generating. It is the little window that appears when a website visitor decides to move their cursor towards the close button. You can further maximize this by offering a discount or freebie if they decide to stay on and make a purchase or book an appointment.

Mention. Mention is a social media monitoring tool that loads information in real-time. It gives you information on what the public is posting or saying about your brand and services all across your social media platforms.

Visual Website Optimizer. The Visual Website Optimizer is software that enables you to test out your website’s landing pages or homepage to compare which one is more efficient in converting leads and making sales.

You Are All Set!

With the list of tools and strategies above, you can now convert your pest control leads at a much faster pace and rake in sales like never before. It is important to remember that in all things marketing, trial and error to see which strategies fit your brand and business best is the way to go. Do not be discouraged if one way does not work out, there are countless others to try!