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How Much Do Pest Control Leads Cost?

Across all industries, over 37% of marketers have reported experiencing difficulty garnering high-quality leads. This means that not only is a lot of marketing and advertising budget not being fully maximized, but there are also a lot of potential clients that have yet to reach your brand.

In order to lower this percentage and help you get in the top 63% of marketers enjoying solid pest control leads, we delve into the top 5 you can generate leads, how much you can expect to be allotted for them, and what factors go into determining how much your pest control leads would cost you.

Top 5 Best Ways To Generate Pest Control Leads

Creating a digital marketing plan has many aspects to it, all of which should be centred on pest control leads and how to generate them. Because of this, the ideal first step is to decide which pest control lead generation strategies are best suited for your company.

Below, we’ve put together a quick guide on the top 5 best ways to generate pest control leads, and how you can maximize each strategy for it.

Strategy #1: Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Optimizing for search engines is a long and complex process, but it is well worth it in the long run. By combining different sub-strategies, you can help boost your website’s rank in organic search, which is one of the best ways to garner quality pest control leads.

Moreover, what’s great about SEO is that you do not have to spend too much time convincing your market, as they are already looking for your products and services as they type. Not only do you already have their interest, but ranking up high also seals in their attention. Studies show that most readers choose between the first three websites that come up, and rarely go further to the second page to find an answer.

There are a lot of components that can make your SEO strategy successful, but for the sake of having a concise list, we will focus on our top 3 below:

Keyword Selection

Choosing the right keywords and keyword phrases is absolutely essential when it comes to optimizing for search engines. In order to filter out the rest and focus on the relevant ones, you need to do your keyword research.

We suggest focusing on long-tail keywords for a more effective strategy. Long tail pertains to keywords that contain at least three words such as “pest control company in Austin, Texas”. By putting these together, the higher your chances are of attracting qualified leads searching for exactly what you are looking for.

Once you have narrowed down your selected keywords, it is important to integrate them into all important parts of your website. Google, and other search engines, will then crawl your site to look for relevant keywords in order to understand what your pages are about. By using the right keywords, your page can rank much better for the right audience. This process is called keyword optimization.

Places in your website to integrate them into include:

  • Headings
  • Titles
  • Meta descriptions
  • Body text



Backlinks are when credible websites link back to your webpage. These are highly valuable to your website because not only do they lead other site’s audiences to your page, but they can dramatically boost their trust in your brand. Moreover, having reputable sources cite you gives you more authority over the topic at hand, and implies that the information found in your website is both valid and useful.

Google can trace these backlinks and process them in a positive way. This will help in boosting your website’s rank and give your pest control leads more access.

Wondering how you can earn backlinks? Through creating informative content. The more of these you churn out, the better your chances are at getting your information out there and disseminated. You can better support this by reaching out to the following:

  • Industry Publications – Narrow down the best pest control publications in your area and find ways to get them mentioned on their website, such as sending them your content and forming a professional relationship.
  • Local Publications – Engaging with your community and being more visible can get featured in your local news network, newspaper, or magazine. Find events that you can support as a brand such as community events, fundraisers, sponsorships, or even by establishing a good working relationship with the media.
  • Local Organizations – Doing the above activities can also help you tie up with local organizations and formulate partnerships,

Website Design

Your website design is just as important as your website content when optimizing for search engines. A good design can help readers process your content better, give them a smooth experience, and make it easier to gather relevant information. This is a great way to pull in pest control leads and convert them into sales. Some things to keep in mind include:

  • Pick a calming and relevant colour scheme
  • Be consistent with your design, colours, and tone of voice
  • Include visuals
  • Utilize white text
  • Utilize headlines to break long bodies of text
  • Easy navigation and organized menus

Strategy #2: Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

Apart from search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising is another solid strategy to generate pest control leads. Because PPC attracts an audience that is most likely to convert to sales, they are often very effective. You can find these appear at the top of the search results page with the word “Ad” under the title.

Similar to SEO, your PPC campaign also requires you to do keyword research and narrow down the most relevant ones for your brand. Moreover, long tail keywords are still the better choice when it comes to PPC because they have a lower cost per click (CPC), which means that you can garner more clicks on your campaign for a lower price, maximizing your budget in the long run.

After selecting your keywords, you would have to bid for your placement. Your maximum bid combined with your quality score will determine your placement once your ad campaign goes live. What is great about this strategy is that you only pay when an interested reader clicks on your advertisement, ensuring that every dollar spent is put to good use.

Three of the top reasons we recommend running PPC ads to generate pest control leads include:

It is very budget-friendly.

PPC ads allow you to control your budget by setting parameters. This way, there are no surprise expenses along the way.

You can enjoy immediate results.

PPC ads are highly traceable, which means you can check the backend to view the number of people clicking, converting, leaving your page, and so much more. These not only help you determine if your ad is effective or not, but they can also help you better understand what tweaks are necessary for optimal performance.

You are rewarded with more qualified leads.

Over 65% of Internet searches result in the audience selecting a PPC advertisement. This is because PPC ads only target those who are already searching for the specific products or services being advertised, which greatly filters out everyone else who is less likely to convert.


Strategy #3: Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is a universally known method to increase brand awareness, garner quality leads, and boost your sales. It is great for collecting pest control leads because not only does social media help disseminate information quickly, but it also allows you to build a relationship with your clients. Gaining access to such personal communication is a great way to earn loyal customers and gain their trust.

There are many social media platforms that you can include in your social media marketing strategy such as:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • LinkedIn
  • TikTok
  • And more

It is important to note that you do not need (nor should you be) on each platform. Depending on your target demographic and where they spend the most time, you can narrow down perhaps one to three platforms that suit your brand best.

Once you choose your platform/s, be sure to be consistent and engaging with your pages. Post different kinds of content such as images, videos, reels, polls, infographics, and other applicable types of media. The more shareable and easy your content is to digest, the further its reach.

Strategy #4: Email Marketing

Next up is email marketing. Email marketing is not only a great way to garner pest control leads, but also it is a perfect strategy to nurture your current ones. A lot of businesses opt out of email marketing thinking it is too old-fashioned, when it is in fact the reason behind many brands enjoying ROI of over 4,000%.

Email marketing needs a few factors checked off in order to be successful, such as:

  • A solid subscriber list of quality leads.
  • A simple sign-up form within your website to grow the subscriber list
  • Refraining from purchasing email lists. This will result in people unsubscribing or your email going directly to the spam folder.
  • Investing in an email campaign management program where you can design, send, and track your emails.
  • Mixing up the emails you send out with blogs, coupons, newsletters, promos, announcements, and more.
  • Customizing the type of email your subscriber gets based on their stage in the purchasing journey.

Strategy #5: Content Marketing

Content marketing bonds all the other strategies together as it not only helps boost your website’s ranking through SEO but can also be useful for your social media marketing and email campaigns.

There is a variety of content that you can mix and match to fully maximize your efforts such as:

  • Blog articles
  • Videos
  • Infographics
  • Ebooks
  • Online tutorials
  • And much more

For as long as your content is valuable, easy to consume, and a breeze to share, you are on the right track. The role of content marketing when garnering your pest control leads is to offer your readers relevant information that can earn their trust, pique their interest, and guide them in making a purchase or booking a session.

How Much Do Pest Control Leads Cost?

Every brand has its own marketing budget to stick to and allot for different factors. A good rule of thumb when determining your budget is to spend around 5% to 10% of your revenue solely for marketing purposes.

Now that you have your budget in place, how much of it should you spend garnering pest control leads? It depends on the strategies you wish you apply and the city you are looking into.

The strategies listed above each have varying costs – from design, content, advertising, partnerships, website, and more factors that can add to the total. However, for a decent sized city with a deep market to reach into, you can expect to spend around $40 to $65 per lead.

Factors That Impact How Your Pest Control Leads Will Cost

As mentioned above, your choices on how to move forward with your lead generation and the areas you apply them to will have a great impact on the total cost you should expect to spend. For a more in-depth look, here are the top 3 factors that can impact your pest control leads expenses:

1. Your Strategy

Whether you opt for investing in SEO, Social Media, Email Marketing, PPC, or a combination of these, you can expect to pay for varying things that make up each campaign.

2. The Season

There may be certain periods within the year wherein the audience is less likely to seek your products and/or services. During these times, leads are expected to be pricier and harder to come by.

3. Your Customer Engagement

The faster you are able to nurture new leads and convert them, the less time and money you spend on these specific targets.

You’re All Set!

Knowing the different ways to garner leads and how much you can expect to spend on each will greatly help you plan out a thorough strategy. Moreover, keeping in mind the factors that impact your pest control lead generation will help you better plot out your campaigns and know your next steps.